Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chapter 12 Journal

My reaction to the end of the novel was that I didn't expect it to end how it did. I thought it would have and ending to where they went back home and how they dealt with the real life after they got rescued from the island. I also thought the ending would've been better. The ending that Golding gave was for me too simple and I felt it needed more detail. I think that Ralph cried at the end of the novel because as is said " 'Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of a man's heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy' "(Golding 202). Basically he cried for what they all have became and what they had caused from being on this island. I also think that he was relieved fro being attack by Jack and Roger; due to the officer coming and finding them. The character I most despise would probably be Jack. I despise him the most because he was the leader of the savages and he set the example for them. Under his "rule" he and the savages caused death. I feel if Jack never wanted the urge to lead and be different then I feel the deaths the savage manner wouldn't cause as much damage as it did. I would only recommend this book to someone who really would pay attention to detail such as the symbolism. I know that most people out there really wouldn't do so, so I really wouldn't recommend this to any regular person.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Chapter 11 Questions

1. Ralph's group has decided to go to Jack's tribe and try to get Piggy's glasses back and to tell them that they should maintain a signal fire for the hopes of being rescued.

2. The twins are seeing Ralph for the first time before going to Castle Rock in the ways of that they are seeing Ralph in a different manner in what they are used to. Ralph usually can maintain his order but in this section Ralph kind of loses his mind and becomes angry.

3. The whole attempt of the boys going to the savages and trying to get Piggy's glasses and maintain the signal fire is bound to fail because Jack doesn't really care if they gets rescued and all Jack cares about he and his tribe surviving. Jack will do and think of anything to get make sure that they survive in any way.

4. I think that roger pushes the rock off the roof because he wants to add to the frenzy that is going on and also he would want to help Jack and the savages in the fight that is going on.

5. The destruction of the conch is symbolically significant because it means the end of the civilization that the boys tried to build and maintain at the beginning of the book. The laws and sense of government is now gone.

6. The boys want a chief because it takes the place of the adult figure they need. It also gives them the security that someone is their leader and can look after their well being.

  • Did you know that what you killed wasn't the beast but it was actually Simon trying to tell you that the "beast" was just a dead carcass?
  • If you had a choice to be rescued tomorrow would you go back home or continue to stay at the Island?
8. The Island has turned from this adventure filled wonderland that we all would have fun in to a place of complete disgust and shame. The island now seems like a never escaping pit of complete betrayal a loss of humanity. I feel at this rate we won't get rescued and we will eat ourselves alive before the island has a chance to. The island for me now is a place where I wouldn't want to be. If I knew that it would cause this to all of us I would like to take back the idea of when I thought this was a place of fun and freedom.
    The boys now are totally not the people who I met and knew the first day we came into the island. It seems that this island brought out the worst in everybody. Ralph is now losing his mind and getting fed up with everyone. Jack is now a complete monster. He totally changed and I don't know who he is anymore. And everyone else doesn't know what to do.  they all need some sense of leadership, but we aren't getting anything. We need help before chaos arrives and destroys us all.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Chapter 10 Common Core Questions

1. Ralph kept feeling guilty about what happened last night to Simon and he kept saying that what happened to Simon was murder and what (he)/they did was totally wrong and not fair; " ' That was murder. I wasn't scared,' said Ralph slowly, 'I was-- I don't know what I was' " (Golding 156). Piggy on the other hand is trying to convince Ralph that they whole this was just an accident and for Ralph not to feel so guilty about it. Piggy tells Ralph " 'We was scared! Anything might have happened. It wasn't- what you said' " (Golding 156). Also Piggy adds, " ' It was an accident', said Piggy suddenly, ' that's what it was. An accident' ", (Golding 157).  SamnEric really didn't say much about what had happened to Simon but they did acknowledge that the "dance" was good and that they had left early because they where tired; " 'Yes. We were very tired,' repeated Sam, 'so we left early' ", (Golding 158).

2.  The difference between the feelings Ralph and Jack have towards what happened to Simon that night was that Ralph felt guilt and sorrow for what everyone did and how he didn't do nothing to stop it. Ralph knows what happened what wrong and says it was murder. " 'That was murder' ', (Golding 156). While Ralph on the other hand claims it was a beast and it wasn't Simon. " ' -and then, the might try to come in. You remember how he crawled-' 'He came - disguised. He may come again even though we gave him the head of our kill to eat. So watch; and be careful' ", (Golding 160).

3. The conclusions I can make about Jack based on his order to beat Wilfred is that he can't control his anger. When Roger asked Robert about why Wilfred was tied he just said " 'I don't know. He didn't say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up.' ", (Golding 159). It seems that Jack just acts right at the moment and doesn't think about anyone else's worries but his own.

Piggy: "They're Coming!"
Ralph: "Who is it/"
Eric: "It's the savages."
Ralph: " Do anything u can to keep everything in place"
Eric: "Watch Put Here they come!!"