Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Leopard Man

Questions 9-15:

9. Tom Leppard is called "Leopard Man" because of the tattoos he has on his body and becuase of where he lives and chooses to live like a leopard.

10. The author thinks that people with tattoos and piercings are unimpressive. He has this opinon because he finds that they are desperate for society's attention in a "negative way.

11. Leopard man is different from other tattooed and piecred people becuase he doesn't want to attract attention and only does it for himself and for a chance to potray what he wants to be. Another reason why he is different becuase he went to a great extent by getting tattooed all over his body.

12. Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness. Far from where society can judge him.

13. The people that society fears is the ones they don't understand and those really consists of the one we call freaks.

14. The "world's most common and dangerous psychological disorder" according to Feys is conformity. He says this because the causes of being a conformist is just the suppresion and destruction of ones's self. He's saying that you are practically destroying your own self because you are under the pressure of everyone else.

15. Leopard man is so happy because he's living how he wants to and doesn't care what others think about it. He's reached his true happiness in life and doesn't really seem to care what other people think of him. All that matters to him is that he is happy and is where he wants to be.

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