Sunday, December 14, 2014

Joy Luck Club

In the novel Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, it’s clear to see that throughout the story that the daughters and mothers have different views on everyday things and love. Their generations have a big thing to do with how they all think differently and how they handle the situation. The time difference and also where they grew up is a big factor that contributes to the different perspectives they have.
The generations differ in their ideas on life, love and family because each mother experienced something different and something that their daughters wouldn’t really go through. Most of the mothers just see things as black and white and really think that the judgment of the town is what makes the name for them. They all have that strong willed personality where they won’t change for no one.

 For example, Suyuan Woo doesn’t really like to focus on her hardships and the past, now that she’s dead her daughter Jing-mei (June) Woo really has to fix what was broken and make things right again. I think that Suyuan was like this because of the life she lived. She had to not worry about herself and worry about her two daughters she had in China and think about the life she had to leave for them. With her leaving her daughters and other decisions she made, she doesn’t like to look back on them. June is now taking her mothers place and making things right and doing the opposite of her mother by focusing on her past and fixing it.

Each difference manifests itself by showing how the different generations react to what the situation brings them. For example, Waverly Jong is the star of the family and is the one that gives the family their name. Her mother pushes her and pushes her to make sure the family name is high up. In America having a bug family name and winning chess matches really isn’t such a big deal. This differs from Lindo Jong’s perspective because in her times family names and high ranking is always important.

For marriage and divorce Lena and Ying-ying see things way differently. Lena doesn’t really want to help her marriage and just wants to let it go. Ying-ying feels that a marriage should last forever and if there are problems then Lena should fix it. They both have different views because in Chinese culture there is no such thing as divorce, but in American culture there is. Ying-ying’s generation sees it as an everlasting promise while Lena’s generation sees it as a problem that can either fall apart or magically be mended.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Leopard Man

Questions 9-15:

9. Tom Leppard is called "Leopard Man" because of the tattoos he has on his body and becuase of where he lives and chooses to live like a leopard.

10. The author thinks that people with tattoos and piercings are unimpressive. He has this opinon because he finds that they are desperate for society's attention in a "negative way.

11. Leopard man is different from other tattooed and piecred people becuase he doesn't want to attract attention and only does it for himself and for a chance to potray what he wants to be. Another reason why he is different becuase he went to a great extent by getting tattooed all over his body.

12. Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness. Far from where society can judge him.

13. The people that society fears is the ones they don't understand and those really consists of the one we call freaks.

14. The "world's most common and dangerous psychological disorder" according to Feys is conformity. He says this because the causes of being a conformist is just the suppresion and destruction of ones's self. He's saying that you are practically destroying your own self because you are under the pressure of everyone else.

15. Leopard man is so happy because he's living how he wants to and doesn't care what others think about it. He's reached his true happiness in life and doesn't really seem to care what other people think of him. All that matters to him is that he is happy and is where he wants to be.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Diction Handout

Low or informal diction:

1.jargon- I only climbed on the spare spar. 

Elevated language or formal diction:

2. opaque: not able to be seen through; not transparent.
    enlogated: unusually long in relation to its width.
    phosphorescent: when something glows with light without becoming hot to the touch
    elusive: difficult to remember or recall
    livid:having a discolored, bluish appearance caused by abruise, congestion of blood vessels, strangulation,etc., as the face, flesh, hands, or nails.
The side of the ship made an opaque belt of shadow on the darkling glassy
shimmer of the sea. But I saw at once something elongated and pale
floating very close to the ladder. Before I could form a guess a faint flash of
phosphorescent light, which seemed to issue suddenly from the naked body of
a man, flickered in the sleeping water with the elusive, silent play of summer
lightning in a night sky.With a gasp I saw revealed to my stare a pair of feet,
the long legs, a broad livid back immersed right up to the neck in a greenish
cadaverous glow. One hand, awash, clutched the bottom rung of the ladder.
He was complete but for the head. A headless corpse! The cigar dropped out of
my gaping mouth with a tiny plop and a short hiss quite audible in the absolute
stillness of all things under heaven. At that I suppose he raised up his face, a
dimly pale oval in the shadow of the ship’s side…I only climbed on the spare
spar and leaned over the rail as far as I could, to bring my eyes nearer to that
mystery floating alongside. As he hung by the ladder, like a resting swimmer, the
sea lightning played about his limbs at every stir, and he appeared in it ghastly,
silvery, fishlike.

The sideof the ship made a nontransparent shadow along the dark, shiny sea. But I saw something very long and light colored flosting very close to the ladder. Before I could think of a guess an unclear flash of glowing light, which seemed to come from the naked body of a man, flashed in the calm  water with the subtle, silent play of summer lightening in a night sky. With a gasp, revealed a pair of feet, the long legs, and a broad discolored back immersed right up to the neck in a greenish, corpse glow. One had, awash, clutched the bottom rung of the ladder. He was complete but for the head. A headless corpse! The cigar dropped out of my gaping mouth with a tiny plop and a short hiss quite hearable in the absolute stillness of all things under heaven. At that I suppose he raised up his fave, a dimly light colored oval in the shadow of the ship's side... I only climbed on the spare spar and leaned ober the fail as far as I could, to bring my eyes nearer to that mystery floating alongside. As he hung by the ladder, like a resting swimmer, the sea lightning played about his limbs at every stir, and he appeared in it ghastly silvery, fishlike.

3. The use of elevated language gave the passage a more serious tone and more sophisticated tone to it. With my paraphrasing it, to me gave it more of a calm tone and more something that readers would more understand what they are reading. Rather than struggle with trying to understand it.

Abstract and Concrete Diction:
4. a).saw
5. I think that he chose to do this to make the reader wonder and create a certain tone. The readers could also think about names for the captain, ship and crew and see what they can relate to it based on the story.
Denotation and Connotation:
6. What is the denotative meaning of the title The Secret
It would have to be that the denotation of the title would have to be that a stranger is sharing something with the main character of the story.
A close reading of the story reveals the connotative
meaning of the “secret sharer.” Not only does the hidden
guest, Leggatt, share the captain’s cabin, but he shares his
very soul as well. Leggatt seems to represent the captain’s
other self, the dark side of his soul that remains hidden
from view.
Complete the chart below:
resembling a corpse in being very pale, thin, or bony
of or relating to growing darkness.
light in color or having little color.
Being light have hardly any color
light emitted by a substance without combustion or perceptible heat.
Glowing, bright
causing great horror or fear; frightful or macabre.
Frightful, scary, terrible
without a head having the head cut off; beheaded.
Having no head, being thoughtless
To be or act like a fish
Squirmy, active

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Literature Analysis #2

I am the Messenger
By: Markus Zusak

1. in the story I am the Messanger it tells the story of Ed Kennedy who has to deliver messages and complete missions in order to help other people/families in need. It all starts when he prevents a bank robbery by putting the robber in jail. Later that day he recieces his first ace (as in cards). A series of tasks/messages are written on the card and Ed needs to figure out what they need help with or what they need to overcome. After the three tasks are completed Ed recieves three other aces and finally a Joker. Once he recieves the Joker it's himslef he needs to deliver the message  to. 

2. The main theme of the novel is to self discover or like find out what you are capable of doing rather that just giving up without even trying. I think that the author chose to write about this topic because it's something  that all teens nees to discover how to do. most teens now a days really don't take a chance to get to know what they can and can't do. They just give up right away. Just like Ed, he;s just a typical guy who doesn't really go outside the box. Then he is callled to this journey and takes on the various messafes and takes on dangerous risks just fulfull helping others and in the end to help himself. 

3. The protagonist is Ed; he is a dynamic character because he changes throughout the story with his personality and the way he goes about himself changes. In the beginning Ed a quiet, timid person. He really doesn't do things outside of the box and is best described as doing things inside of the box. Once he recieves his messages Ed starts to learn how to take risks in order to help people in need. In the end you can see that he's more easy going, free, and takes greater risks than he did before.

4. A significant symbol would have to be the playing cards that Ed recieves. The symbol fucntiins in the novel by how Ed recieves his messages and the "relationship" he has with the cards. Three to four times our of the week and his friends constantly play cards.  To Ed it's apart of hime and somehat so are the messages he's recieving. The symbol contributes to the work as a whole by realting the messages to his life and how in the end all the messages are going to lead up to his own self/ well being. 

5. I chose this book just out of nowhere. I really didn't  pay much mind to ehat I was chooing, but just took a risk and chose it. When it first came to my attention what appealed to me was the cover and the last sentence on the last page. They both seemed really interesting and mysterious. I would have to say the first message Ed recieved is what kept me reading. 

6. One event I could relate to my life form the story was when Ed was always so hesintent to go and do his next task. I could relate this to my own life because I feel like I'm more or less like Ed. He's really just quite and really doesn't say or so much. I feel like I'm exactly the same way. 

7. One idea from the book that I'll remember is when Ed said " I'm not the messenger at all. I'm the message." I chose this message because is shoes how Ed realized how him delivering all these messages proved that he couls do greater things  than he imagined. He leatned to have faith in himself and to believe that he could do great things. "If a guy like you can stand up and do what you did, then maybe everyojne can. Maybe everyone can live beyond what they're capable of. And that's when I realize I'm not the messener at all. I'm the message."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Latin Roots #6

 Roots and Derivatives:

1. corp(or): body
2. cred: to believe, to trust
3. cur(r),curs, course: to run, to flow
4. dic(t): to speak, to say

Word List:

1. benediction (n): the invocation of a divine blessing, as at the close of a religious service; a blessing or state of blessedness
  • The priest declared benediction as soon as  the mass had ended. 
2. concourse (n): a running or flowing together; a broad public walkway or hallway; a crowd or throng
  • There was a large concourse outside of Best Buy during the Black Friday holiday.  
3. concurrent (a): occurring at the same time; meeting or acting together
  • My dentist appointment is concurrent to my interview, they're both at four p.m.
4.  corporal (a): related to the physical body 
  • Stress can have emotional and corporal health effects on the body.
5. corpulent (a): very stout; fleshy and obese; fat
  • Over two-thirds of the american population is corpulent or overweight. 
6. credibility (n): the quality of being believable or trustworthy
  • A person's claim on an issue has low credibility without any evidence or support. 
7. credulity(n): the (naive) willingness to believe too easily without proof. 
  • My younger cousin has a high credulity since she believed me when I told her its raining cats and dogs. 
8. cursory (a): a done in a superficial or hasty manner
  • My quesadilla  was prepared very cursory as I had woken up late that morning. 
9. dictum (n): an authoritative saying or maxim
  • During World War II, a famous dictum was, " You can do it!".
10. incorporate (v): to form into one body or functioning unit; to combine several different things into a whole
  • A successful children's book should be easy to read, funny and incorporate a variety of colorful pictures. 
11. incredulous (a): not believing, skeptical, or doubting
  • Atheists are incredulous about if God really exsists. 
12. indicative (a): characteristic of or very much like; suggestive
  • The constant nausea and fatigue was indicative of the pain killer that was given.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

Antigone Questions

1.What kind of prize is given for dancing choruses of worshippers?

The dancing choruses of worshipers began competing for a bull or a goat.

2.How many spectators would gather in the open-air theatre of Dionysos?

As many as fourteen thousand spectators gathered in the open-air theatre of Dionysos.

3.How does the mask affect the voices of the actors?

The masks were used to amplify the actor's voices.

4.Why was Antigone suspenseful to viewing audiences?

It was suspenseful because the audience knew things the characters didn't know.

5.How is the shepherd to leave the infant on the mountains?

The shepherd is ordered to leave the infant to die on a mountainside with his ankles pinned together.

6.What is the riddle the Sphinx gave to Oedipus?

The Sphinx's riddle stated," What creature goes on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?"

7.Who are Oedipus' kids?

Oedipus' kids are Polyneices, Eteocles, Antigone, and Ismene.

8.After Oedipus is exiled, who takes over Thebes?

After Oedipus is exiled, Creon took over as a regent.

9.What did the family do to the dead body?

The family closed the dead person's eyes and mouth and began to prepare the body for the prosthesis, the wake. Then they placed the body on the bier, a portable framework, making sure that the feet pointed toward the door, and sprinkled it with wild marjoram and other herbs, which were believed to keep the evil spirits away. At the prosthesis, women waited near the body and men entered in a formal procession with their right arms raised high in the air. The closest relative reached out and held the dead person's head with both hands, the other mourners began to beat their faces and tear their hair. They also wailed and sang.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Antigone Quickwrite

Antigone Quickwrite

What I would plan to do would to get my favorite brother’s body and bury him properly. I wouldn’t care if I had any help at all I would still go against what the King or my uncle would say because I know it is morally right. First off I would find the body and take it to a safe place where no one would find it and leave it there till I figure out what I’m going to do. Once I have the body safely secure the next thing I would need to do would be to find some people I can trust with burying my brother. I obviously can’t do all of this by myself so someway I would either have to bribe or try to convince people to help me with the burying of my brother. I would also need people who would get me all the things for a proper burial just like my other brother got, because my favorite one deserves it. At some point I would try to convince my sister to help me because this is our brother we are talking about and he at least deserves some type of burial. When I finally get someone to help me I would have the King distracted and some other guards distracted in order for me to fulfill my task.. I would chose to try to convince my sister because she is my only family left and we are talking about our brother and his proper burial. I wouldn’t fear her telling on me and me getting in trouble because I know what is the right thing to do. Once I have the king and the guards distracted somehow I will bring in the proper things for a proper burial. Things would include a stone, casket, and maybe even a priest of some sort. When the hole/ the spot for the burial is in place and ready to go I will have people put my brother in the casket and then him to be buried. Again I would have to somewhat trust these people because I’m doing this all alone, if my sister didn’t end up helping me. I also have to keep in mind that these helpers can tell the King anytime they wanted to because it is against the law that he made. For now I just have to put my trust into them for when it comes to giving my brother a proper burial. When he is finally in the casket and in the ground as I should say, I would bring in the priest and ask him to say a couple words and prayers for his soul to finally be at rest and for him to know that I did everything in my power to help get him this proper burial that he might have never gotten. After all words are said and the proper and final goodbyes are said I would tell whoever was there or my helpers to bury him and put his stone or some type of remembrance on top of the ground and then leave him at rest.  After everything was finally done I would tell my sister of my accomplishment and tell her of my success. I would also pay my helpers for helping me for the burying of my brother. I would also pay them extra for them not telling anyone what happened. I know that I am also risking them telling on me even though I paid them, but after it was already done I wouldn’t care because the burial already took place. Even if I got put to death and got in trouble I wouldn’t care because my task was fulfilled and I know I did the right thing and I wouldn’t care for the consequences that where in store for me if I were to get in trouble. If this all did happen to my family/brother I would do this in order to give my brother what he deserved. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar Reaction Assignment

I think that the excerpt and the video chat with Foer was fascinating and persuasive at times. The name of the author that was being discussed is Jonathan Foer and we are discussing his book Eating Animals. The video chat was accessed on October 28, 2014 and the excerpt was read on October 29, 2014.

 50 Word Summary
 Basically all the video chat and the excerpt that we read was telling me that it was all about being a vegetarian and what are the benefits of it and hoe us “meat-eaters” are with our food. In the “Case of Eating Dogs” it really got me thinking that’s its true that we really don’t pay attention to what we eat. If someone was to put a plate of dog and prepared it normally like how we do with any of our meat dishes, and we just ate it and thought it tasted really good we wouldn’t know it would be dog just like how we don’t even know what we are consuming half the time when we do eat animals. What I was trying to explain there was that it’s not like we can’t tell the differences between meat and that we are killing animals souls just like if we were killing cows wouldn’t it be that same if we were killing a dog too? My ideas here are somewhat mixed up but overall I think that my point was more or less stated here. Overall impression I had here was that I can see how he wants to convey what we do and think of certain animals but then again I somewhat thought that he was making fun of the fact that dogs and other animals such as horses, cows, and pigs are the same, but yet we eat them and not dogs.

 Descriptions of three STAND-OUT moments from the video/reading

 • One thing form the video that stood out to me was that he said the vegetarian diet is more or less cheaper than a regular diet most Americans have. I found this comment very biased because most of the diets are pretty expensive (depending what you buy) and hard for people with different backgrounds. For example if I were to go vegetarian it would be very hard for me to find nutritious food and if I did I know that it would cost a good amount of money. All my family eats their dishes/meals with at least one to two meat items on them.

 • Another point that stood out was from the book. The point that stood out to me was that I felt he was making fun of the fact that we animals like cows and pigs, but how come we don’t eat dogs even if they act and that they have even better nutritional value than cows or pigs. I just felt that he was emphasizing that we should eat dogs because they are just another piece of meat that we should eat. For some reason I just felt like it was some type of “dark humor” that was being used like how we talked about in class today.

 • One last thing that I found was that he really didn’t care if half of the world went vegetarian (even though it might not happen), is that all he cared about is us knowing where our food is coming from. I found that very inspiring and moving. Like he said in the video chat is that his goal isn’t to turn the world to be plant eating beasts, but to make our food healthier and know where it is coming from.

How can this relate to my life?
This interview can relate to my life by what I eat and how the process came about in it getting to my plate. In the interview I noticed a lot of him talking about the vegetarian lifestyle and how it can benefit ourselves and the world in general. For example it's obviously good for your health and he claimed it is easy on the wallet too. When he said it was an easy process to follow I had to disagree with him because for some it's hard to adapt to considering that their own families find it extremely odd. He also talked about how he would like the world not to become all vegetarian, but for us to be cautious on what we are eating and he also said that his goal would be to make plat based food. For example like food products that are soy based and don't have meat in them.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives:

1. cent(i): hundred
2. cid(e), cis(e): cut, kill
3. clam, claim: cry out, declare
4. cord, cour: heart

Word List:

1. bicentennial : (related to) a celebration of a two hundredth anniversary; happening once in a period of two hundred years or lasting two hundred years

There are some comets that are bicentennial; they happen every two hundred years.

2. centenarian : a person who has lived to be a hundred years old

My great-grandmother has just turned a hundred; she's a centenarian.

3. centurion : a Roman Officer commanding over one hundred men; related to the military mind, especially as it favors military solutions for handling social problems

The Greek polis, Sparta, had many centurions, as Spartans had a reputation of using war to solve any problems.

4. clamorous : characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices, noisily complaining, insistent.

The students were clamorous when the teacher announced that they had a surprise quiz.

5. concise : covering much in few words, brief and to the point

The timed essay was very concise as it was very well organized.

6. concordance : a condition of harmony or agreement, an alphabetical index indicating reference passages, as from a writer's works

The feuding cities reached a concordance after they signed a peace treaty.

7. cordial : of the heart, warm and friendly, amiable

Our busy neighbor was cordial when she took time out of her schedule to help  use fix our troublesome garden.

8. discordant : (sounding) harsh or inharmonious, clashing

Our teacher spoke in a discordant manner after realizing no one was paying attention to her.

9. genocide: the systematic extermination of an ethnic group

The Holocaust is an example of a genocide since the Germans tried to execute all the Jews.

10. incisive: keenly penetrating, cutting into

The student was an incisive reader because she undterstood everything easliy. 

11. proclamation: an official statement or announcement that informs or honors

The Proclamation of Independace was a big thing for early America.

12. reclaim: to claim again, to restore to former importance or usefulness

Once my sister found her own place, I got to reclaim my room. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

1. bon, boun: good

2. capit, capt: head, chief , leader

3. carn(i):flesh

4. ced(e), ceed, cess: go, yield, surrender

Word List

1. accession-the attainment of a certain rank or dignity; an increase by means of something added; the act of becoming joined

Ashoka won accession to the throne because he was the next descendant to take it. 

2. bona fide- in good faith; genuine

The archaeologist stated that the preserved  pottery and bones were bona fide and very valuable.

3. bonanza-a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches; a win fall

The retired lady let a 550,000 dollar lottery bonanza slip at the casino.

4. bounteous-inclined to be generous, plentiful, and abundant

Every caregiver always seems to be bounteous with their things.

5. capitulation- a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions: a final giving up

The event at Pearl Harbor ended with the capitulation of Japan.

6. carnage-a great slaughter, as in a battle

After the battle, everyone was amazed at all the carnage left over.

7. carnivorous-a flesh eating, as an animal

Many animals like the lion, panther, and bob cat are considered carnivorous animals.

8. incarnate-literally, in the flesh; in bodily form; personified; flesh colored

After seeing her dream man in a dream, she finally found him incarnated before her eyes.

9. intercede-to act on another's behalf; to mediate

When the group of girls fought, many teachers had to intercede the fight.

10. precedent-a previous act or decision taken as a valid model; having gone before

It was the precedent in case law governing consent to treatment.

11. recapitulation-a brief repetition; a summary; as of what has already been said

She gave a recapitulation of the speech Abraham Lincoln gave. 

12. reincarnation-a thing that is reborn; or comes back into being; although perhaps in a different bodily form

Hinduism is a religion that believes in reincarnation.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Literature Analysis #1 - The Color Purple

Literature Analysis
1. Celie is constantly abused by her father. By this he has raped her and she has bore two children from him. One she doesn’t know what happened with it and the other she knows still lives in the town. She is still constantly abused by her father but then an opportunity comes along for her to potentially escape the abuse of her father. Mr.___ (the man looking for a wife), has been interested in Nettie, Celie’s sister. Mr.___ wants to marry her, but their father doesn’t allow it; so he pawns off Celie to be married. Celie then enters a partially abusive home. She is abused but not as bas as she was when she lived with her father; she just does what she is told.  Her sister Nettie ends up moving with her, but not too long after Mr.___ kicks her out and Celie never hears from her. Without Nettie, Celie’s life is more difficult know because she was the only person she could talk to. Mr.___’s lover, Shug Avery, comes to town and falls sick. Celie is then told to watch over her and they grow closer as time goes on. Celie then begins to have sexual feelings for Shug and she doesn’t know is she’s in love or what. They soon both love each other. Soon Celie tells Shug about Nettie. Shug then told Celie that Mr.___ was hiding all the letters Nettie wrote to Celie. They find them and Celie reads them all, now knowing that her sister wasn’t dead like she thought. This changes Celie’s life. She finally builds up the courage and strength to leave Mr.___ . Celie and Shug move to Memphis. She then finds out that her dad is dead, but then finds out that her dad really wasn’t her dad. Her real dad died many years ago and she found out that he left Celie and Nettie a house. Celie finds the house and lives in it in hopes of her sister and her children returning.

2. The theme of this novel I would have to say would be to express your thoughts and feelings even though no one may listen and to stand up for yourself. Celie has no one to talk to so she uses the notebook and talks to God about her problems and what she’s going through. Celie finally stands up for herself by getting motivated by her sister’s letters and what other people have said. She leaves her abusive environment and leads a better life for herself.

 3.     I chose this book because I’ve heard it was an inspiring novel that showed the journey of a young girl who went through so much. With the comments of many I thought I should give the book a try. When I read the book overview on the inside of the book flaps is what appealed to me when I first got it. This came to my attention because every book I get I always read the overview. What made me want to keep reading was the first page. The first page to me seemed so real and relatable. Judging the first page made me know that this book would be one to read. 

4.     Yes, I found this book very realistic. This book talks about how in the south they would sell their daughters to abusive, sex-crazed men who didn't care about their wives. From other historical documents I’ve read I know that this has happened before. Based on what “Celie” wrote I thought all of it was real, even though it wasn’t. I made connections from historical documents and real life stories about stuff like this on TV or magazines I’ve read.

5. The tone the author uses would be serious and confession what has happened. Three excerpts that show this: “But I don’t ever git used to it. And nows I feel sick every time I be the one to cook.”, “My mamma dead. She die screaming and cussing. She scream at me. She cuss at me.” , “Now I know Albert hiding Nettie’s letters, know exactly where they is. They in his trunk. Everything that mean something to him be in his trunk.”

6.  Dialect- "by the time I git back from the well, the water be warm." pg. 3

Comparison- "I work on her like she a doll or like she Olivia- or like she Mama." pg. 55. This signifies her idea of Shug and the resemblance Shug has of people important to Celie. 

Foil-  Sofia is a dominate female who stands up for herself and does not take a beating from her husband. Where as Celie, is a submissive woman who gets beaten by Mr.___ "Sofia don't even deal in little ladyish things such as slaps." pg. 87

Symbolism- The color purple signifies beauty, when Shug is shown the remodeled home. " Everything in my room purple and red cept the floor." 

Repetition- "You ast yourself one question, it lead to fifteen. I start to wonder why us need love. Why us suffer. Why us black. Why us men and women." pg. 289 This curiosity is left from the suffering Celie has received from Alphonso and Mr. ___. 

Hyperbole- "I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and don’t notice it" pg. 203 This could be taken literally, but the truth in it is when you don't notice beauty and don't acknowledge it God is angered.

Allusion- "Honor father and mother no matter what"  pgs. 43-44; demonstrates how religion is a key element of this book and how high up Celie places God despite the horrid things her father has done.

Oxymoron- "Hm, she say, look like a little fat white woman was on one." pg. 123

Personification- " For six months the heavens and the winds abused the people of Olinka." pg. 159

Imagery- "Every piece of furniture they got is turned over. Every play look like it broke. The looking glass hanged crooked, the curtains torn. The bed look like the stuffing pulled out." pg. 39 This leads up to Harpo and Sophia fighting, him trying to beat her into obedience but Sophia standing up for herself. Making Sophia an inspiration to Celie.


 1. Two examples of direct characterization: “ I am fourteen years old.”; giving the age of Celie and “I knowed it was her. She look just like me and my daddy. Like more us then us ourself.”; showing that she comes from a rural south and isn’t well educated. Two examples of indirect characterization:
He beat me today cause he say I winked at a boy in church."; this incident describes Alphonso as a character, he feels like he has to dominate all what Celie does, showing he is a dominate/ authprative character, but this also shows his lack of trust in Celie. "And us run off to my room like two little prankish girls." ;this describes through the course of the story Celie progresses and opens up to Shug.  The author uses both approaches because we get to see how other people see Celie and how they interact with her.

2. Syntax is changed when focused on a character. For example "He strong in body but weak in will. He scared." The sentences become shorter and less words are used to describe the character. She really doesn't go into detail. The diction really does'nt change. throughout the story it is kept in the slang/ the way the uneducated southerns talk.

3. Celie is
dynamic and round character due to her change at the mid-end of the story. She was a timid and obedient woman through out the story until Shug began to have some influence on her. These influences made Celie more expressive with her thoughts and feelings and about her role as a woman. Eventually Celie, speaks out to Mr.___ and leaves him to liver her own life.

4. I feel like I’ve met the character. By reading this story I feel like I know Celie’s worries, story and secrets. With the story being set up like a journal, Celie really did let out all her thoughts and experiences. With all this information given I feel like I know her like how I know a best friend. They tell you everything and that’s what Celie did here. A textual example I’m going to use would be “Dear God,”. I chose this because she’s referring him as her “best friend/ someone who will listen” and I think that we the readers are God as we read through it. God knows everything because she’s telling him everything. Relating this to the readers we know everything. That’s how I feel that we know everything and how we got to truly know Celie.

The one idea from this book that I will remember for a long time would have to be all the suffering/ abuse Celie went through. I know I will remember this for a long time because everyone goes through suffering some point in their life and some people experience abuse of whatever kind. This idea from this story is a hundred percent relatable and is something that I know I could look back on. The importance of this idea is that everyone goes through this. Even though it was a fictional story it seemed so real that I could even relate to it. “But I don’t cry. I lay there thinking bout Nettie while he on top of me, wonder if she safe. And then I think about Shug Avery. I know what he doing to me he done to Shug Avery and maybe she like it. I put my arm around him.” This quote shows her worries and abuse. She worries constantly about Nettie to keep her mind off of being sexually abused.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Latin Words #3

-aud(it) (hear): audience, auditorium, audition
-avi (bird): aviation, aviculture, aviatrix
-bell(i) (war): rebellion, rebel, belligerent, postbellum
-ben(e) (good, well): benefit, benevolent, benediction, benefice, benison


-antebellum: before, especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war; 
The antebellum of the America has completely changed in the last 100 years. 

-audit: to check or examine a company's financial records; 
The man very closely audit the man's company due to he was very suspicious.

-auditory: related to the sense or hearing;
During sophmore year we had to take an auditory and vison test. 

-avian: characteristic of or pertaining to birds;  
The sculpture of the bat has a few
avian characteristics. 

-aviary: an elaborate structure for housing birds; 
The aviary that was built amazed the whole neighborhood. 

-avionics: the technology of using electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight; 
The soldiers attacked the English with avionics and won the war.

-bellicose: eager to fight or quarrel; hostile; 
The bellicose child is an endagerment to the school.

-belligerency: the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action; 
The student was belligerent toward the group of bullies. 

-benefactor: a person who gives another financial help; a patron; 
The benefactor the househol worked day and night seven days a week. 

-beneficiary: one who receives a benefit (of payment), as from an insurance policy; 
The beneficiary of the company received $100 every week due to the car accident. 

-benign: not malignant; gracious and kindly; good-natured; 
The benign woman helped pick up the mess.

-inaudible: unable to be heard; 
The movie became inaudible because the speakers were'nt working.

Arachne and Athena


k12-arachne-athena.jpg (1000×500)
                     Arachne vs. Athena 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Latin Roots #2

Roots and Derivatives

1. anni, annu, enni: year
2. aqua, aque: water
3.arm: arm and weapon art, craft, and skill

Word List

1. aqua-the hue of the sea; blueish-green

      My quinceanera dress was an aqua color.

2. aquaculture-the cultivation of water plants and animals for human food

      Some food raised by aquaculture is enjoyed by many.

3. aqueous-like, of, or formed by water; watery

      The aqueous solution contained many different substances.

4. armada-a fleet of warships

      The Spanish  armada made their way through the war successfully.

5. armature-equipment or clothing for battle, or any protective covering, an armlike extension

      Soldiers use armature to avoid getting hurt or even killed.

6. armistice-a temporary suspension of hostilities by mutual agreement, as a truce preliminary to a peace treaty

      The emperor had to make an armistice to continue his empire for many years.

7. artifact-any object produced by the art of the human hand, simple or primitive objects from the distant past

      Archeologists are always thrilled to find an artifact from long ago.

8. artifice-cunning ingenuity; clever or sly trickery

      During the Civil War, the North used artifice to defeat the South.

9. artisan-a person skilled at a craft, usually a handicraft

      The artisans of the town made beautiful beaded jewelry.

10. millennium-a period of peace and great prosperity; a thousand years

      In the next millennium technology will be far more advanced

11. perennial-year after year, throughout the years; a plant that blooms annually

      Roses and lilacs are perennial because they grow every year.

12. superannuated-worn out, or retired, from age and years of use or hard work: obsolete or outdated

      He couldn't play sports anymore becuase her was  superannuated.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Extended Journal

So many younger people want to be older because when you are younger you are limited to what you can do legally and there are age requirments. Younger people just want to do everything "fun" that adults are allowed or can get away with doing. As a younger person I totally can see why most teens want to be older. Most of the people that want to be older are teenagers and nothing less. Teenagers really just see the freedom that adults have and they see that most of it is "fun", so they want and cant wait to br older. To turn the tables older people adults say they wish they were younger. From what Ihave seen, once you get older you tend to have less free time and less engery to do fun things. Adults/older people wish they could be younger because we DO have free time and DO have lots of engery to use. I think that is the only reason why adults wish they could be younger, but how would I know I'm not old yet ;) Soon I will know but for now that is my only explanation for them.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Purpose of Myth Review

1.       Name 4 fundamental questions that myths address: What is the nature of the universe in which I live? How do I relate to that of the universe? How much control do I have over my own life? What must I do to survive?

2.      Name 4 themes in world mythology: first parents- god , sky earth. The creator god usually fashions the first human beings. The gods destroy at least one world of mortals by causing a flood. Heroes are often children of Gods. Birth, maturity and death are often followed by rebirth. 

3.      What is the beginning of the universe for most major cultures?: A chaotic formless mass that a god or pair of gods separate. The gods multiply so that each can have his/her certain role in the universe scheme and creator god brings life to earth. 

4.      What do hero myths and epics teach members of society?: We see ourselves drawn larger and grander than we are. They are the models of human behavior for their society.

5.      Why do ordinary people identify with heroes?: They have imperfections and to like them for everyone has similar psychological needs and conflicts.

6.      What is the foundation of the Matriarchal Society?: Agricultural year

7.      What is Sigmund Freud's view of myths?: As the expression in of the individuals unconscious wishes, fears, and drives. 

8.      Myths demonstrate that people possess the intellectual capacity to understand the world in which they live. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Essay

Birth Order Research
According to the birth results first born children have similar traits with their personality, mental and work traits. Some of the examples from the research help indicate how those traits relate to me. The three major traits that are related to me come from the mental, work and personality category based on the research. Out of all what the research says, I believe that it accurately describes me. It relates with me and overall with the first born children.
Some personality traits that are said in the research and that go with me is that I want to please everyone and being stubborn. With me wanting to please everyone, I try to make everyone happy no matter the situation. For example one night I was babysitting my four cousins. Keep in mind that they are all under eight so they are harder to please. I asked them what they wanted for dinner and of course they all wanted something different. Usually someone wouldn’t make four different meals, but with me I did just to please all four kids.  I am stubborn with practically anything. If someone tries to change my mind about something I strongly believe in I would change my mind no matter what. An example of this is when I had to pick out decorations for my party. I already had picked one I liked, but it was pretty expensive. So my mom tried to change my mind about it, but I stuck with it till I got it.
Next are mental traits of a first born according to the research. I think that the things said on slides do describe me. The mental traits that fit me are being scholarly and critical. Being scholarly to me is doing your best in school and putting your education first. School to me is my number one priority and nothing will get in my way with my education. An example of how much school matters to me is hoe I deal with when I forget my assignments. One time I forgot my homework for biology. When it was time to turn in our homework I noticed that I didn’t have it. After realizing I didn’t have I started crying to my teacher saying that I forgot it. Luckily he told me I could turn it in the next day. With that example I guess you could say I take school seriously. Critiquing to me comes naturally as I guess it comes like that to everyone else. I practically critique everything about someone or something. Most of my critiques I keep to myself. I actually don’t know why I do this, but I think I have to comment on it even though if I’m the only one who knows about it.
 Lastly, work traits to me are ninety-eight percent accurate with me. The two traits that really describe me are being punctual and reliable. I always have a habit of arriving to places at least fifteen minutes early. I do this because I want to make sure that I’m on time and that I don’t miss anything. For example I left my house an hour before the party started because I thought I was going to miss something. Most of the time I like to go early is because I either help or taste the food that they are going to serve.  I think that I am reliable in any way. From it being just to do an errand or taking on a big responsibility. I always fulfill what anyone’s asks me to do. For example   my aunt always relies on me to be there so I can watch my cousins. No matter what I’m always there whenever they don’t have a babysitter.  I think that the only thing that I didn’t agree with was that most first born children are perfectionists. I find that trait a hundred percent not for me. Other than that trait I think that all the others fit me well.
Out of all the results from the first born traits I find that overall it is accurate for first born children like myself. Yes, every research document can’t match my every trait, but overall I think that most of my traits in the research were more or less on point. My thoughts on this were that I was surprised and shocked because on how accurately they matched me. I just found it mind blowing on how all first born children act and think alike.  I find it cool that most of all first born children think and act the same when it comes to work, mental, and personality traits

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Birth Order Traits

What the Research says
Evidence showing Accuracy or Inaccuracy
I actually don’t really care if things are perfect. Like as long as I can get the things done in a decent manner then to me it is perfect. If it come to things like planning a party or making a gift then yes I’m a perfectionist. Most of the time though I really don’t care if things are perfect or not.
Careers: science
I actually think that this is accurate for me because in the future I want a career to do with biological life science. So I think that this trait would be accurate for me.
Personality  traits: compliant and wanting to please
I think this is really true about my self because no matter the situation I always try to please everyone with all their needs. I am defiantly compliant with others. I always listen to what other people tell me no matter the situation.
Well- organized
This trait is far from being true for me. I am not organized at all. It’s not like I haven’t tried to be organized, I just feel like I don’t stick to it. I think that my only type of organization is messiness. I tend to find things easier when it’s messy rather than it being organized.
Mental discipline
I feel that I really don’t have that much mental discipline. Like most of the times I really don’t think before I act and don’t think about the outcomes of my actions. I would have to say most of the time I really don’t think. About twenty percent of the time I think before I act, but most of the time I really don’t discipline my mental actions and thoughts.
I actually think that I am really stubborn to when it comes to everything. If something really doesn’t go with how I want it to then I won’t change my mind for nothing. For example, when my family was planning my quinceanera, I wanted things a certain way. They suggested many options and different ideas, but I wouldn’t even consider them because I wanted what I wanted not what they thought was better.  

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Reflections on Week 1

1)  I think that with the new schedule it might just make things harder than they were and make it more difficult to do things. Also another factor that might make it more difficult would be sports. Trying to manage all of it at once. Other than that I think that those are the only things that would make it difficult to handle.

2) An awesome learning experience I think I had was when I was in fifth grade. My teacher Mrs. Corely, taught me how to express my thoughts and feelings into poetry. She made it easy for me and the whole class because she would give us examples and help us out if we hit a road block. I reallzed this by all the awards i would get in her class for good poetry.

3) I'm most concerened about the timed writings and the presentations. I really don't like being all eyes to look at and always scared that I wont finish in time for the timed writings. I look forward to improving my writing skills and speaking skills. I think that this will help me in life because life is all about speaking and writing in the right way. All this practice will help me prepare for the future.