Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Birth Order Essay

Birth Order Research
According to the birth results first born children have similar traits with their personality, mental and work traits. Some of the examples from the research help indicate how those traits relate to me. The three major traits that are related to me come from the mental, work and personality category based on the research. Out of all what the research says, I believe that it accurately describes me. It relates with me and overall with the first born children.
Some personality traits that are said in the research and that go with me is that I want to please everyone and being stubborn. With me wanting to please everyone, I try to make everyone happy no matter the situation. For example one night I was babysitting my four cousins. Keep in mind that they are all under eight so they are harder to please. I asked them what they wanted for dinner and of course they all wanted something different. Usually someone wouldn’t make four different meals, but with me I did just to please all four kids.  I am stubborn with practically anything. If someone tries to change my mind about something I strongly believe in I would change my mind no matter what. An example of this is when I had to pick out decorations for my party. I already had picked one I liked, but it was pretty expensive. So my mom tried to change my mind about it, but I stuck with it till I got it.
Next are mental traits of a first born according to the research. I think that the things said on slides do describe me. The mental traits that fit me are being scholarly and critical. Being scholarly to me is doing your best in school and putting your education first. School to me is my number one priority and nothing will get in my way with my education. An example of how much school matters to me is hoe I deal with when I forget my assignments. One time I forgot my homework for biology. When it was time to turn in our homework I noticed that I didn’t have it. After realizing I didn’t have I started crying to my teacher saying that I forgot it. Luckily he told me I could turn it in the next day. With that example I guess you could say I take school seriously. Critiquing to me comes naturally as I guess it comes like that to everyone else. I practically critique everything about someone or something. Most of my critiques I keep to myself. I actually don’t know why I do this, but I think I have to comment on it even though if I’m the only one who knows about it.
 Lastly, work traits to me are ninety-eight percent accurate with me. The two traits that really describe me are being punctual and reliable. I always have a habit of arriving to places at least fifteen minutes early. I do this because I want to make sure that I’m on time and that I don’t miss anything. For example I left my house an hour before the party started because I thought I was going to miss something. Most of the time I like to go early is because I either help or taste the food that they are going to serve.  I think that I am reliable in any way. From it being just to do an errand or taking on a big responsibility. I always fulfill what anyone’s asks me to do. For example   my aunt always relies on me to be there so I can watch my cousins. No matter what I’m always there whenever they don’t have a babysitter.  I think that the only thing that I didn’t agree with was that most first born children are perfectionists. I find that trait a hundred percent not for me. Other than that trait I think that all the others fit me well.
Out of all the results from the first born traits I find that overall it is accurate for first born children like myself. Yes, every research document can’t match my every trait, but overall I think that most of my traits in the research were more or less on point. My thoughts on this were that I was surprised and shocked because on how accurately they matched me. I just found it mind blowing on how all first born children act and think alike.  I find it cool that most of all first born children think and act the same when it comes to work, mental, and personality traits


  1. Very powerful writing. Your intro could have been better. by the way, I fed your fish about a billion times.

  2. I absolutely agree that you are a people-pleaser.Your example on making four different meals for four kids was a great example. You already know what I would have done in that situation: They either eat what I make them or they can eat air. I suppose you really do care about other's feelings as well as your own, which is rare to find in this world. Also, you are one stubborn girl, but then again so am I. Anyways, keep on being the Celest that I know.

  3. I really liked how your choice of vocabulary and how you used descriptive examples. I did agree how you are stubborn.

  4. I liked how you included many strong, supportive answers. I also really like how you have personalized your blog. And, i too, fed your fish...it was quite entertaining :) oh, and i clicked on the ad, you're welcome.
