Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Editorial Questions


1. The problem that Betsy McCaughey identifies is that the CDC want to make hospital's ebola ready so they can treat the ebola infected patients. 
2.  The solution that she offers is instead of trying to make hospitals Ebola ready and risk the chance of others getting infected, we should just use the bio-containment hospitals and expand those instead.
3. Sean Kaufman views the CDC's guideline for protective gear in treating the Ebola patients is that it isn't the way to go, and if the CDC did follow through on it he would consider it dead wrong and irresponsible.
4.The point that Rep. Michael Burgees made on the CDC head Thomas Frieden was that the doctors and nurses should be fully protected from head to toe and not in the certain areas where we can get infected. We can get infected from anywhere and anyplace. 
5. a) Yes I do agree with this recomendation because if only a few people are infected, the reality is it's better if they are rather than a mass of people getting it and then potentially spreading it to the entire population thus maybe casuing something that could've been prevented. It might sound harsh but, the people already infected aren't going to last, rather than harm others, like nurses and doctors, and maybe other people, its better for the hospitals to stay out of it and let the "big dogs", who are meant to actually handle stuff like this, to do their job and leave the general public out of it. 
b) N/A 

1 comment:

  1. Great responses Celest, thorough explanation for number 5!
